Frequently asked questions
Q: What if I have not received my confirmation email by the time our scheduled session has begun?
A: After creating an event in the calendar, the confirmation email will be sent almost immediately. If you have not received it within 5 minutes, check your email spam filters and if you still cannot locate them, return to the calendar, locate your session event in the dashboard, click three dot icon under "options" at the end of the row and then choose "Resend confirmation email" to generate the email again. If you continue to experience issues receiving your confirmation, please delete the session and create a new event.
Q: I received the email that my session was created but my session status still shows "Confirmation required".
A: The first email you receive contains your Test Candidate Access Codes and additional information about administering exams with Compass Cloud, it does not actually confirm your session in the calendar. After you are certain that all your session details are correct (and you are less than 24 hours to the start of your session), log in to the calendar tool, view your session, and click the "Confirm session" button, at which point another email will be sent to you.
Q: I went to confirm the session and the "Confirm session" button is grayed out.
A: Only the designated Exam Administrator (Proctor) can confirm a session. If someone created a session but assigned an Exam Administrator (Proctor) other than themselves, they cannot confirm a session, even if they are a Certiport Organization Administrator.
Q: It's fewer than 24 hours to the start of my session, I have not received my email reminder to confirm, and my status is stuck on "Scheduled", what could be wrong?
A: It's possible the system did not refresh your status and trigger the next status condition of "Confirmation required". Go to your session, click "Edit", and then without making any changes, click "Save" again which should refresh the status and trigger the email which will allow you to confirm.
Q: If I sign up for SMS text messages, what will I receive?
A: You will only receive notifications/reminders to confirm your session. Session creation or session cancellation notices are not delivered via text, only email. Copies of session confirmation reminders will continue to be sent via email as well as text, even if you opt-in for SMS text messages. If you are creating a session on behalf of another Exam Administrator (Proctor), and said Proctor would like to receive session confirmation reminders via SMS text, they need to log in to the Compass Cloud dashboard calendar and opt-in prior to session creation.
Q: I signed up for SMS text messages, but did not receive anything, what could be wrong?
A: Either you created a session that was within 2 hours of the designated start time and your session was automatically confirmed, or you missed one or more checkboxes within the opt-in screen. See the user guide for more info. You will also not receive text messages if you created a session on behalf of another authorized Exam Administrator (Proctor).
Q: Can we change session details even after we have confirmed the session?
A: Yes. As long as the session status is not showing as "Cancelled" or "Completed", you can edit some of the session details. However, once a session is created, you cannot edit the CATC, the payment method, the exam language, or the exam titles. If you need to change those details you must delete the session and create a new one. The session cannot be cancelled, and no session information can be edited in the last 60 mins before the actual event.
Q: Do we really only have a 5-minute window to begin our session?
A: No. The button to “Start session” will be grayed out until 5 minutes prior to your scheduled start time, but then you have an additional 15 minutes after the start time to initiate the session (for a total of 20 minutes). If you go longer than the 20 minutes the session will drop off the “Next session” list and you will be unable to start it or cancel it. You will not receive a notice or email if this occurs.
Q: I started my session but a new browser tab with the proctoring dashboard did not open.
A: Return to the calendar, locate your session, click on the 3 dots at the end of the row and click "Resume exam" to try again. If this does not work, ensure you are using one of our supported browsers and then contact Support if you cannot get the individual tab containing the administration dashboard to open.
Q: I scheduled a session but had some no-shows, what happens to those unused payment methods?
A: If, for example, a session begins for 10 Test Candidates and 2 are sick the day of the event, we would return the 2 unused payment methods back to the CATCs account after the session is completed. This may take a few hours to process.
Q: I have an Adobe, ACU, or MOS exam that is frozen, how can I fix it?
A: If a Test Candidate is unable to proceed with testing due to an error or freeze on the virtual machine, you can try to restart the VM by locating the Test Candidate in the proctoring dashboard, clicking the 3 dots at the end of the row under options, then clicking Restart VM. See the Errors & Troubleshooting section under the User Training section on this page for detailed info.
Q: The Test Candidate requires an ADA accommodation; can I still apply for one with Compass Cloud?
A: Yes. ADA accommodations are supported in the Compass Cloud solution in the form of extended testing time for pre-approved candidates. However, accessibility tools such as JAWS and other screen readers are not supported. Certiport’s Compass for Windows and Compass for Mac locally installed solutions still support all forms of accommodations detailed on our ADA page.
Note: With Compass Cloud, there is nothing additional that needs to be performed for ADA that must be selected when scheduling an exam session for a Test Candidate with an accommodation. Simply schedule a Test Candidate that is already approved for an accommodation, and they will have extended time when they launch their exam. If a Test Candidate does not have extended time but has been approved, please contact Customer Service (it can take up to 10 days after submitting an ADA request and all supporting documentation to be approved).
Q: Can we schedule a mix of ADA-approved Test Candidates along with regular-time Test Candidates in one scheduled exam session event?
A: Yes. Since the accommodation approval “flag” comes from the Test Candidate’s user account profile, Compass Cloud will adapt to the different types of exam lengths and stay active as long as required (or until the exam time runs out). It is imperative that ADA Test Candidates that are taking Live-in-the-Application exams do not start their exam late or they may run out of session time.
Q: Our CATC employs the use of both Compass Cloud and Compass for Windows. Can a Test Candidate begin their exam in one system and then resume it in another system?
A: No. You must resume the exam in the same system in which is was started, and preferably on the exact same testing workstation.
Q: Our CATC just started using Compass Cloud but we also use Compass for Windows still; do we have to schedule sessions in the calendar when using Compass for Windows?
A: No. Only Compass Cloud requires the scheduling of exam sessions using the online calendar in the Certiport Portal.